The Sacraments of the Orthodox Church provide the fiathful with the unique experience of God acting upon and through us.
Baptism is the sacrament by which we enter into the Christian Faith. It is through baptism that we “lay aside all earthly cares, that we may receive the King of all”. Baptism is a spiritual death and rebirth, a mystical sharing in the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Please call the office to begin the process of scheduling your baptism.
The wedding service is the mystical sacramental union of a man and a woman to each other. The Orthodox Church understands this mystery as performed by God Himself in uniting two souls into one. This joyous sacrament of the Church has many steps of preparation, so we recommend couples begin speaking with our clergy early in the wedding planning process.
Chrismation is the sealing into the Orthodox Church of a previously baptized Christian. This sacrament properly belongs to the Orthodox baptismal service, but has been adapted to other circumstances. Chrismation is not always the most appropriate means of reception, so please speak with our priest about your particular situation.
The sacrament of confession is the means by which our souls are purified of all errors and affronts to God. It is known piously as “a second baptism” and is an opportunity for us to unburden ourselves of our sins in this life, in order that they not be held against us in the next. Our clergy hear confessions by appointment; call the office to schedule.
End of Life
All of us are called back to the Heavenly Kingdom. It is best to be prepared for this day with prayer and planning.