Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.
Adult Ministries at Annunciation Woburn
The Philoptochos Society of Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church in Woburn, Massachusetts embodies the principles of a Christian ministry while offering support, assistance and encouragement to all in need.
Men's Group
Faithful and connected men are critical to our parish. Our social events are paired with opportunities for faith enrichment and supporting each other.
Adult Religious Ed
We all have more to learn about the depth, beauty, and application of Orthodox Christianity. Join our Adult Religious Ed group to get connected.
The Dwelling Place
Service to the need is central to Christianity. Our parish is connected with other churches in Woburn to serve a monthly meal to those in need.
Parish Council
Leadership happens at every level. Our parish is served by elected members to guide the financial, building, and ministry needs.
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