Overview of Ministries
Youth Ministry
Church School
Our Church School is a dedicated teaching ministry of our Orthodox Christian religious faith. Our teachers provide our children with creative, resourceful instruction, and caring love in the treasury of our Orthodox Christian faith and traditions. Church School religious education participation is open to all children of our parish who are at least four years old by September 1 of the year in which instruction begins. Our successful program consists of grades Pre-K through Grade 12 with a teaching staff of dedicated volunteers in the service of our Lord. Each Sunday during the school year, all families are encouraged to attend the Divine Liturgy which begins at 9:30 a.m. together. After communion, children go to their respective classes which will run for 45 minutes. Parents are encouraged to participate in Coffee Fellowship while waiting for the Sunday School classes to conclude.
The Church School has its office directly below the church. Parents who wish to enroll their childrenare asked to visit the Church School office on Sunday mornings during the school year. At the same time, we are always vigilant in our search and request for men and women of faith and conviction who feel called by God to share their talents and serve in this saving ministry. We invite and welcome them to join our teaching team so that we can ensure the continuity of the successful Church School Orthodox Christian program.
Directors: Amelia Hoffman
Greek School
Our community is blessed to have an outstanding Greek Language program led by a dynamic team of teachers. Our Principal, Kiki Kolokithas adjusts the classes and curriculum based on the needs of the students. Our pricing structure for the Greek School is designed to encourage participation by our youth in learning the Greek Language and Heritage.
The Greek School has three major presentations during the year: the Annual Christmas Presentation, the Feast Day Presentation and Graduation.
Our Greek School meets on Monday afternoon throughout the school year from 3:45 PM - 6:00 PM. Please contact the church office or Kiki for more information or an application.
Principal: Kiki Kolokithas
Greek Dance
Our Greek Dance program has become a strong program over the past few years under the leadership of George Papadopoulos. The class begins immediately after Greek School on Mondays. George has taken his experience of teaching dance professionally and has adapted it into his curriculum for our youth. The Greek Dance program performs at the Greek School Christmas Party, the Feast Day Luncheon, Greek School Graduation and the Annual Church Festival. Please feel free to contact the church office or George Papadopoulos for more information or for an application.
GOYA Ministry (Greek Orthodox Youth of America)
The Greek Orthodox Youth of America (GOYA), ministers to our youth grades 6 – 12. Our GOYA program holds monthly meetings/activities after church on Sundays, sponsors a Basketball Team in the Metropolis league, participates in a weekend overnight retreat at the church, provides help at our Festival along with many more activities. There is no fee to join GOYA. We are thankful to our wonderful parent volunteers. For more information, please feel free to contact the church office.
GOYA Basketball
GOYA Basketball has been very active since the early years of the Annunciation Parish. The GOYA age range is 13-18 years of age. All players must be baptized Orthodox Christians, and actively participate in GOYA events as well as attend church on Sundays. Practice takes place at the Boys & Girls Club of Woburn. There are usually 16 regular season Metropolis league games and 2-5 playoff games. Other fun events include the annual trip to a Celtics game (which is always well attended!!)
The mission and goal of the Hope & Joy ministry is to lead our children into experiencing the Holy Orthodox Faith, creating strong bonds with their Orthodox friends and building the foundation of our Orthodox faith through worship, fellowship and service. We welcome all children from preschool through 5th grade to join us throughout the year for our gatherings which include summer swim parties, back-to-school roller skating, campfire parties, Holy House, our Holy Friday retreat, and much more. There is no fee for joining the Hope & Joy ministry and we welcome parent participation and involvement.
Altar Boys (Acolytes)
The word acolyte comes from the Greek and means attendant that is free from sin. Acolytes or altar boys have a very important role in the Orthodox Church services. They help priests and bishops better serve God and the Church. It is a great honor to serve as an acolyte. The most important thing young boys must realize is that when they are an acolyte or altar boy, people are depending on them and look up to them to better reach God through prayer. Altar boys are an example to others so they must always be calm, pious, and ready to serve. Acolytes wear special vestments: a tunic (stiharion) which represents purity of soul, happiness, and salvation.
On most Sundays, following Holy Communion, the younger altar boys will attend their Sunday School classes. Altar boys should be in the altar by the beginning of the Divine Liturgy in order to assist the priest in each of the processions. If you have any questions, please contact the church office.
Oratorical Festival
Introduced in 1983, the St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival provides Greek Orthodox teenagers the opportunity to write and talk about their faith. The Oratorical Festival Program begins at the parish level and is divided into three divisions:
Elementary Division (local festival only) for students in grades 4–6
Junior Division for students in grades 7–9
Senior Division for student in grades 10–12
The top speakers in the Junior and Senior Divisions advance to the district level. Two finalists in each district division represent the district at the Metropolis Oratorical Festival. The top speaker in each metropolis division is then selected to participate in the Archdiocese Finals, which is hosted by a different metropolis each year.
All eighteen finalists at the Archdiocese Finals participate in a weekend of activities, the highlight of which is the delivery of their speeches on Saturday morning. The Oratorical Festival Scholarship Fund provides college scholarships to the top speakers.
We have been fortunate that a number of our youth participate annually in the Festival and achieve success at the district level and move on to the Metropolis level.
Metropolis of Boston Camp (Contoocook, NH)
Annunciation has a long history of participation at MBC with many campers and counselors coming from our parish over the years - (even pre-Contoocook days).
Church Ministries
Choir Director: Stella Pathiakis
Psalti: John Klesaris
Sexton: Peter Lambropoulos
Community Outreach
Dwelling Place
The Dwelling Place is a soup kitchen in Woburn Center. Free, hot dinners are prepared by local churches and organizations for those in need. Meals are served at 5:30 pm every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at The United Methodist Church, 523 Main St. Woburn. Our Church has been actively involved since 1988. We serve a complete, hot meal on the second Wednesday of every month. Funding is provided by our Philoptochos and the volunteers who cook the meal. If you are interested in helping, please see Olympia Frazier.
Veteran’s Luncheon
Each year our community hosts a luncheon following Veteran’s Day to honor and celebrate our local Veterans. Our goal is to provide a meal and essential supplies that can be given to each Veteran in attendance. Everyone is invited to help in some way.
Food Pantry
We collect funds on a regular basis to support the feeding of our brethren who lack the basic human necessity. Donations can be made to the Food Pantry Basket or the Church Office at any time. In addition to stocking our local food pantry, these funds go towards grocery gift cards that are distributed to families in need within our community and beyond.
Adult Education
Faith Enrichment: Discovering Orthodox Christianity
This educational ministry has grown in number and offers a wonderful opportunity to learn about the Orthodox Faith and its application to our everyday life. This ministry offers a liturgical service followed by a community dinner and a specific topic for the night. Videos, books, and articles are integrated into this ministry to offer interesting and dynamic means of exploring various spiritual and theological areas of our Orthodox Christian Faith. Gatherings are on Tuesday Evenings, please contact Father Alex for more information.
Bible Study
Mission Statement: To read and study the word of God through Bible study spreading the Gospel to hearts, homes and communities. Vision Statement: Bible study hopes to fulfil it missions by: Faith: Believing in our Lord Jesus Christ and experiencing restoration through him. Hope: Positive thinking learned through the study of the Gospel. Love: Learning to follow the greatest commandment given to us by and Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. One of the parts of the Great Commission from our Lord Jesus Christ was to go and preach the Gospel to all the world.
Bible Study has been an integral part of our community for many years. Bible Study normally meets on weekdays at 10 AM if no services have been held before hand or after the conclusion of the service when one is held. Father and the parishioners meet in the Bibilos Library where Father leads the discussion.
Lenten Speakers
During Great Lent our community offers a series of guest speakers and talks to assist us in our spiritual journey of growing closer to our Lord thru prayer, fasting & almsgiving. Past speakers have included professors, clergymen and spiritual elders. The Speaker Series usually meets on Wednesday evenings during Lent following the Presanctified Liturgy. A meal is served prior to the presentation.
Wellness Ministry
There is no question that stress has taken a toll on our society as a whole. Our church is very pleased to offer a new creative ministry focused on the health of our souls and bodies. The Wellness Ministry will be a yearlong ministry of guest speakers, classes and small group gatherings focused on bettering our spiritual and physical health.
Community Fellowship
Coffee Hour
After each Sunday Liturgy, all our parishioners and guests are invited downstairs to our Hellenic Community Center for coffee, refreshments, snacks and pastries. Our parishioners are encouraged to sponsor these gatherings in memory of their loved ones and for the health of their families. This is our opportunity to socialize and get to know each other.
Annunciation Men’s Club
This is the social fellowship and spiritual discussion men’s group of Annunciation Woburn. Various contemporary issues will be discussed as are pertaining to men and living as an Orthodox Christian in our era. Additionally, periodic social events are organized to get the group together to enjoy some fellowship.