Holy Week Service Texts

We encourage our faithful to bring a text to follow the services of Holy Week. You may print the text from the links below or use an electronic device to follow along.

 1. Orthros of Holy Monday (Palm Sunday Evening)

 2. Orthros of Holy Tuesday (Monday Evening)

 3. Orthros of Holy Wednesday (Tuesday Evening)

 4. Holy Unction (Wednesday Afternoon)

 4a. Orthros of Holy Thursday (Wednesday Evening)

 5. Vesperal Divine Liturgy (Thursday Morning)

 6. Orthros of Holy Friday (Thursday Evening)

 7. Royal Hours (Friday Morning)

 8. Un-Nailing Vespers (Friday Afternoon)

 9. Orthros of Holy Saturday (Friday Evening)

 10. Vesperal Divine Liturgy (Saturday Morning)

 11. Resurrection Vigil, Orthros, Liturgy (Saturday Night)

 12. Agape Vespers (Sunday Morning)